Folder Scout 1.3
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3.3 MB

Folder Scout 1.3

Folder Scout gives you instant access to any Drive,Folder or File
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1.3.2 See all
Folder Scout Labs
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3.3 MB

Folder Scout 1.1 is software that was developed for providing very fast access to folders that you really need. This application is very useful especially if you have to work with huge amount of folders situated on your computer, because it saves you from necessity of passing the whole path to each of them every time. The program starts on Windows start up and is minimized into system tray. To open application’s main window you can just press button “F7”. By the way you can define another hotkeys combination for performing this task. The most important functional parts of the main window are Root Folder Quick Jump, Disk Tree, Favorites, Recent Folders and Recent Documents. Root Folder Quick Jump allows you to open any drive of your computer only by single mouse click. Using Disk Tree section you can find and open any folder simply by inputting several letters of its’ name into Find Folder Text Box. It really saves you from time wasting. If you use certain folders more frequently then others you can just add them into Favorites. Folder Scout 1.1 is great tool that can help to avoid rambling over your folders tree system.

IB Senior editor
Ilya Barmenkov
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Stable work
  • Easy-to-use interface


  • Poor design

Comments (1)


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I bought folder scout professional some months ago at full price and really can recommend it. It´s not the software which is spectacular at the first glance, but if you have it you won´t miss it any longer, it does a good, reliable job and can be a great time-saver. Although I´m also registered user of handy folders, direct folders, search-gt,.. and using the freeware everything I would again make the decision to buy (even at regular ´price): Just typing a hotkey (F7) and a few letters the searched folders are shown and one can easily navigate to them.
To get most benefit of folder scout I urguantelly recomend to read the help file and try out the "tips and tricks"
When one gets used to the (few) hotkeys or context menu
folder scout also ist helpful when saving files the wanted folder.
Since folder scout until now is focussed on fast access to folders, one can create a shortcut for combination with a search-utiit y of own choice.
Hopefully the author will consider to offer file-serching in the future too.
The support has alsways been reliable, and its obvious, that the author implemented user suggesstions in the new versions (e.g. highlighting of searched item).
Conclusion: for me a " timesaving must have" utility

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  • Folder access